What you'll get:
You can purchase the first webinar for just $97, and the rest of the series $147/webinar ... or buy the entire series now for $497, and ... SAVE $335 NOW!!!
In the first webinar in this series .. The Sacred Art of Utter and Complete Bullshit ... Joseph will speak to Roye's tendency to tolerate fools poorly, especially those who tried, desperately at times, to bullshit him.
Roye would cut straight to the core of the matter, stripping away all pretense, and speak directly to what limiting someone from attaining what they most, as well as how to achieve the most desired thing they sought.
Let me tell you right up front ... you ain't heard or seen nothin' like this before ...
In this webinar Joseph will lay out the pattern that's common to all bullshit and bullshitters, so you can immediately recognize it and identify it for what it is as soon as it shows up. Then he'll walk you through what to do about it, and finally show you how to ensure that you are never amongst the bullshitters yourself.
This will be powerful introduction to the entire Secrets Of A Master webinar series, as well as a stand alone tour de force on how to maximize making sense of the world in times of confusion and chaos, when it seems that bullshit is coming at you from every angle, all day long! After this webinar your stress level when confronting bullshit will have become non-existent, as will your tolerance for it, instead you'll have the insight and skills required to bring things immediately back on track to reality based interaction with the world and the decision making that flows from the clarity you find and impose there for yourself and with others.
"I'll be presenting what was never explicitly taught in the training room with Roye, but that I figured out after watching thousands of demonstrations, spending hundreds of hours one to one with Roye discussing his approach and methods, and then spending thirty years recovering what I had witnessed, working with clients myself attempting to replicate the magic I had been present to in the training room and in private sessions with Roye." - Joseph Riggio
This is material that Joseph has never presented in this way before, and "opens the kimono" to reveal what could only have been discovered and learned in the way he did it ... sitting at the knee of the master, and then unpacking the experience over decades.
This series will transform the way you think about transformation -- for yourself and with others -- as a change artist you'll never be able to go back to the way you thought before again, the result will be that you will be tapping into the magic that was present for all those years in the "Hypnotorium" with Roye ... sitting at the knee of the master.